WK 3- Classmate Conversation – Josh Ocular


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Josh Ocular and Renette Tabadero


In this week’s classmate conversation,  I met Josh Ocular.  Josh is currently undeclared however, he is looking into sociology.  So far, he loves his experience here in Cal State Long Beach.  He told me that he first fell in love with the campus when his sister toured him around a few years ago. He was particularly drawn to the campus’s beautiful and welcoming environment.  After her told me this story,  I couldn’t agree more! Since the first tine I visited her, I loved the beautiful and green campus.

One on our similarities is our love for the kitchen. In my free time, I like to bake pastries. On the other hand, he enjoys cooking.  He particularly likes making pasta dishes.  His favorite dish is carbonara with lots of bacon. Another similarity that we had was our clumsiness as a child.  In our conversation, we talked about the most nauseating childhood memory.  He talked about the time when he was holding two glass bottles of soda and suddenly falling face down, cracking the bottle to the ground while still holding them. When he looked at his palms, he could see glass remains in his palm and blood bleeding from his hand. At first, he couldn’t feel anything because of his shock. However, later he was crying in pain because of the rubbing alcohol his father poured in his palm to clean the wounds.  Up to this day, his palms still has the scars of the event.

Josh Ocular’s website: https://coolcatjosh.wordpress.com

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